In the fall of 2017 I went through a Bible study with our women’s class at church where we dug into the characteristics of our holy Lord. We studied His attributes and got to know who He is more closely. Throughout that whole study one characteristic stuck out to me. It’s what I clung to the whole study...His Sovereignty. Little did I know the reason that the Lord imprinted that on my heart, but I would soon find out. He would test how much I really trusted His sovereignty. He was preparing me for something big. Something scary and something I would have never asked for. But a land He was going to ask me to walk through, all for His glory. It was Valentine’s Day. Cole and I never make a huge deal about Valentine’s Day, but this one on Wednesday, February 14, 2018 would soon change our Valentine’s Days for forever. We were arguing over something insignificant the night before and barely spoke before he headed off to work that morning. I finished up my quiet time with the Lord...
"Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice!" Philippians 4:4