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when Jesus ignites a fire.

After the countless hours I spent in doctors offices and hospitals over the period of my eating disorder recovery, Jesus ignited something inside me. Something I never thought He would ever ignite in me. A passion to become a nurse.

The nurses who took care of me at Children's Hospital and the amazing nurse who took care of me at the clinic I attended weekly made lasting impressions on my life. If somehow, some way, God lead you to read this today, THANK YOU. Thank you is not enough to tell you how much you have impacted my life. Your passion and desire to help others who are in a desperate state in their lives, like I was, is why I am here today.

My junior year of high school, after I was in a good routine with my recovery, I brought this idea to my mom. "Ha! Okay..." she said. I was always a germ freak, and me, wanting to be a nurse and work in the most germiest (it's a word) place everyday, yeah okay. So she entertained the idea and organized a way for me to go job shadow/volunteer at our local hospital. The first few days I just organized some papers and made little gift baskets. The next few days I was out on a med-surg floor. I loved it. But little did I know, the best was yet to come ;) a few days after I was on that floor, I was offered to go and job shadow on the labor and delivery floor. OH. MY. GOSH. Literally, my mom couldn't get me away. Since I was homeschooled, I made my own school schedule. And as much as I hate to say it, my grades suffered a little bit that year due to the fact that I spent most of my days up at the hospital. I had the privilege of shadowing the most amazing L&D nurse I have ever met, who is now one of my best friends. This, I knew was where God wanted me to be.

Fast forward to August 2012. I sat in a room filled with 50 something other people with the same passion I had. Bright eyed and ready to go. I was starting nursing school. Little did I know then, I was about to embark on the most difficult, frustrating, stressful, but oh so rewarding journey I would ever go on. Nursing school, literally, next to my eating disorder recovery is the HARDEST thing I have EVER done. It drained me physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. It was 2 and a half long years of grueling tests, studying, labs, paperwork, clinicals, and amazing friends.

There were literally times I didn't think I could do it. I wondered why I chose this path, but then I remembered, I didn't. My Jesus chose this for me. I knew without a doubt this was where He wanted me. This was His plan, and He was going to carry me through. These 2 and a half years were filled with major meltdowns with my momma holding me as a sobbed. Amazing laughs with amazing friends, who will FOREVER be my nursing school sisters. Tears of joy when I passed onto the next semester. And a sense of strength when I realized how much I really had learned.

As of May 15, 2014 I am officially done with nursing school FOREVER. I made it through this rough journey with the support, prayers, and love of my momma, daddy and freaking awesome sister.I wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for my boyfriend Cole. Bless his heart, he took the brunt of most of my stress and frustration these past few years. How he handled it, I will never know. He is a God-send, no doubt about it. From the encouraging phone calls, to the silent listening of my rants and meltdowns, to the random encouraging Bible verses he would text me, to the constant prayers I know he was praying, to the never failing comic relief he would give me during study breaks, he. is. amazing. Okay, enough mushy gushy stuff

Seriously, Jesus is so awesome. He started this fire in me before I was even born. He lit it at a time I didn't think I was going to make it out of. And He watched it grow until now, now that I am done with nursing school. All I have left is taking boards and I will be on the other side of this amazing journey. The point of this post, is simply to let you know that when God places a desire, a passion, a fire in your heart for something, chase after it. No matter how scary, nerve-racking or bold it is. He has a plan for each and every one of us and He WILL carry it to completion. It's amazing what happens when you follow His lead for your life, crazy I know ;)

I have clung to this verse my entire time of nursing school. I have recited it with tears rolling down my cheek and I have recited it with a huge smile on my face. Today I recite it with full confidence and proof.
"God started this work in you, and He won't stop until it is completed." -Philippians 1:6.
No matter how many bumps and road blocks we come across in our journey to our passion, He won't stop. He won't give up on you, even when you give up on yourself. He is the only constant in this constantly changing life.

I know this is just the beginning. I know this is only the start of the things He will do in my life. And I know, if I can make it through nursing school, I can make it through the majority of what life will throw my way ;)

One more test, and I will FINALLY be Kaitlyn Deupree, RN.
Worked hard for that little pin with those two little letters on it ;)
 The amazing momma, daddy and sister!
 The wonderful boyfriend!
And the amazing class, minus a few who dipped out early ;)


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