My mind constantly wonders what your eyes are seeing. During this Christmas season, I long even more to know what the face of my Savior looks like, and you're touching His hands and beholding everything His wonderful face truly is.
My fleshly heart longs to have you sitting in my lap next the Christmas tree and see the wonder in your eyes as you gaze into the shiny lights. But oh, my little one. . . you are sitting in the lap of Jesus Himself and gazing into the eyes that light this dark world and I am sure they are unimaginablly more beautiful than the lights on our tree.
I long to buy you earthly gifts and see the excitement on your face as you get new toys and things to play with. But the gift you're beholding up there is the greatest gift of all.
I want you on the floor babbling and playing as we hurry around to get things ready for Christmas day. But you're sitting on the floor of Heaven praising the One who we all too often forget about on His day.
You have no distractions. No worldly temptations. Nothing to pull your heart away from what this time is truly all about. You're surrounded by angels and beside them you lift up the Name above all names. The King of kings and Lord of lords. You are consumed completely with serving and worshipping at His literal feet.
You see His throne. You see His majesty. You bask in the light that radiates off of Him. You're walking with Him. And talking with Him. You are complete and exactly as you should be in His presence.
This would be your first Christmas with us. You would be close to 2 months old. I can only imagine the joy and excitement that we would be experiecing with you here. But how selfish of me to want to pull you away from the glory that you are experiencing.
When my heart breaks to have you here, it just makes me that more thankful and in awe of this season. Thankful for my God who made a way. Before Jesus coming, there would be no way for me to see you again. No way for me to meet you and hold you.
But God wanted a way to live eternally with His people. That's what this season is all about. There was a chasm. Far too wide for any of us to fill. But He knew a way. It wasn't an easy way, but one that must be done to save us.
He came. He didn't send someone else to do the job. He Himself came in the form of the Son of God, Jesus. And He came just as my Davey left this earth, in the form of a baby. Humble. Meek. But He was filled with power that we can't even comprehend. Without this baby coming sinless to this earth through the virgin Mary, I have no hope. You have no hope. But our Jesus, He is our hope.
But He didn't stay a baby. He grew in stature and in wisdom. He became all He was suppose to be. He experienced everything we have and will experience, death, pain, temptation, darkness, He went through it all but yet did not sin. He is our perfect example.
He healed the sick. He spoke with such wisdom. He walked the same earth we are walking now.
And then He had to face the moment He knew was coming. The time that He must pay for us all. He must become our sacrifice. Because just living a sinless life didn't save us. He must pay the penalty for OUR sins, yet He never sinned. They arrested Him. And beat Him. And mocked Him. And eventually killed Him. Oh the power in that final breath. That final breath that paid my sins in full. It brings me to tears. I am not worthy of that breath. But He gives it to me because of His love, and mercy and grace toward me.
But it also didn't stop there. He laid there lifeless for 3 days. And on the morning that sealed that promise, that beautiful breath returned to that lifeless body. He walked out of the grave, declaring death has no victory over those who put their trust in Him. Death has no victory over me and death had no victory over Davey, even though his or her beautiful eyes never saw this earth. He justified me when that breath returned to His lungs. I am now called holy and righteous in the sight of a holy and righteous God because of Jesus Christ. My Jesus now sits at the right hand of God. Interceding for me. Praying for me during my darkest days. Ruling over my life and orchestrating everything for my good. And He can and will do the same for you if your heart is completely His. If you've come to the point in your life where you realize your filthiness and His beauty. And that's when you realize that He became your filthiness so that you can have His beauty. He loves you. With a real, fierce, passionate love. And wants you to experience all that this love entails.
I know many people are hurting this Christmas season. Whether you have lost a baby through miscarraige or stillbirth or whether you've lost someone that you were able to make countless memories with and spend a lifetime loving them, hold onto this hope. Hold onto this hope that anchors the soul even in the most difficult of times. Reach out to the hand that is already reaching out to you. The hand that holds the world and moves the mountains, but wants more than anything to hold you and your hurting heart.
I'm praying for you and your grieving heart, because mine is grieving too. For some reason the Christmas season makes our hearts ache a little more than usual for those who aren't here. But don't let grieving steal your joy and hope. If your loved one and you are secured in Christ, hold onto the hope and joy of what their eyes are seeing this Christmas and the hope that you will see them again. In glory. Beholding His glory with them. Singing praises beside them.
And if you don't know this hope and joy, I'm praying for you. I'm praying for your eyes to be opened to the wonder of an intimate relationship with the Jesus that I've been talking about. A true, meaningful, loving relationship. If He's calling you today, please don't dismay. Put your trust in the One who can NEVER fail you and will always hold you. In the sunshine and in the storm, He will be your constant.
Merry Christmas to my beautiful Davey Asher. Although I won't be rocking you to sleep on Christmas Eve, I know are safe in the embrace of Jesus as we celebrate His birthday. I miss you and love you with everything inside of me and I long for the day that I will be whole and complete and basking in Jesus' presence alongside you.
My fleshly heart longs to have you sitting in my lap next the Christmas tree and see the wonder in your eyes as you gaze into the shiny lights. But oh, my little one. . . you are sitting in the lap of Jesus Himself and gazing into the eyes that light this dark world and I am sure they are unimaginablly more beautiful than the lights on our tree.
I long to buy you earthly gifts and see the excitement on your face as you get new toys and things to play with. But the gift you're beholding up there is the greatest gift of all.
I want you on the floor babbling and playing as we hurry around to get things ready for Christmas day. But you're sitting on the floor of Heaven praising the One who we all too often forget about on His day.
You have no distractions. No worldly temptations. Nothing to pull your heart away from what this time is truly all about. You're surrounded by angels and beside them you lift up the Name above all names. The King of kings and Lord of lords. You are consumed completely with serving and worshipping at His literal feet.
You see His throne. You see His majesty. You bask in the light that radiates off of Him. You're walking with Him. And talking with Him. You are complete and exactly as you should be in His presence.
This would be your first Christmas with us. You would be close to 2 months old. I can only imagine the joy and excitement that we would be experiecing with you here. But how selfish of me to want to pull you away from the glory that you are experiencing.
When my heart breaks to have you here, it just makes me that more thankful and in awe of this season. Thankful for my God who made a way. Before Jesus coming, there would be no way for me to see you again. No way for me to meet you and hold you.
But God wanted a way to live eternally with His people. That's what this season is all about. There was a chasm. Far too wide for any of us to fill. But He knew a way. It wasn't an easy way, but one that must be done to save us.
He came. He didn't send someone else to do the job. He Himself came in the form of the Son of God, Jesus. And He came just as my Davey left this earth, in the form of a baby. Humble. Meek. But He was filled with power that we can't even comprehend. Without this baby coming sinless to this earth through the virgin Mary, I have no hope. You have no hope. But our Jesus, He is our hope.
But He didn't stay a baby. He grew in stature and in wisdom. He became all He was suppose to be. He experienced everything we have and will experience, death, pain, temptation, darkness, He went through it all but yet did not sin. He is our perfect example.
He healed the sick. He spoke with such wisdom. He walked the same earth we are walking now.
And then He had to face the moment He knew was coming. The time that He must pay for us all. He must become our sacrifice. Because just living a sinless life didn't save us. He must pay the penalty for OUR sins, yet He never sinned. They arrested Him. And beat Him. And mocked Him. And eventually killed Him. Oh the power in that final breath. That final breath that paid my sins in full. It brings me to tears. I am not worthy of that breath. But He gives it to me because of His love, and mercy and grace toward me.
But it also didn't stop there. He laid there lifeless for 3 days. And on the morning that sealed that promise, that beautiful breath returned to that lifeless body. He walked out of the grave, declaring death has no victory over those who put their trust in Him. Death has no victory over me and death had no victory over Davey, even though his or her beautiful eyes never saw this earth. He justified me when that breath returned to His lungs. I am now called holy and righteous in the sight of a holy and righteous God because of Jesus Christ. My Jesus now sits at the right hand of God. Interceding for me. Praying for me during my darkest days. Ruling over my life and orchestrating everything for my good. And He can and will do the same for you if your heart is completely His. If you've come to the point in your life where you realize your filthiness and His beauty. And that's when you realize that He became your filthiness so that you can have His beauty. He loves you. With a real, fierce, passionate love. And wants you to experience all that this love entails.
I know many people are hurting this Christmas season. Whether you have lost a baby through miscarraige or stillbirth or whether you've lost someone that you were able to make countless memories with and spend a lifetime loving them, hold onto this hope. Hold onto this hope that anchors the soul even in the most difficult of times. Reach out to the hand that is already reaching out to you. The hand that holds the world and moves the mountains, but wants more than anything to hold you and your hurting heart.
I'm praying for you and your grieving heart, because mine is grieving too. For some reason the Christmas season makes our hearts ache a little more than usual for those who aren't here. But don't let grieving steal your joy and hope. If your loved one and you are secured in Christ, hold onto the hope and joy of what their eyes are seeing this Christmas and the hope that you will see them again. In glory. Beholding His glory with them. Singing praises beside them.
And if you don't know this hope and joy, I'm praying for you. I'm praying for your eyes to be opened to the wonder of an intimate relationship with the Jesus that I've been talking about. A true, meaningful, loving relationship. If He's calling you today, please don't dismay. Put your trust in the One who can NEVER fail you and will always hold you. In the sunshine and in the storm, He will be your constant.
Merry Christmas to my beautiful Davey Asher. Although I won't be rocking you to sleep on Christmas Eve, I know are safe in the embrace of Jesus as we celebrate His birthday. I miss you and love you with everything inside of me and I long for the day that I will be whole and complete and basking in Jesus' presence alongside you.
"For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost." -Jesus, Luke 19:10
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